So, way back in time, I opened my own Pilates studio in the north Houston, Texas, suburb of Kingwood. While deciding upon names for my business, I was also deciding on names for my future child! My pregnancy with Rémi was great and unfettered. My studio seemed to grow at the same rate as my midsection. I was blessed to develop a wonderful clientele interested in creating change in their bodies while observing mine (albeit a very different means of change!)
I gave sessions up until the very day that my labor began. Post delivery I was like most women, exhausted and out of sorts. But I had the benefit of knowing how to access my core, and using Eve Gentry's Pilates Fundamentals, I regained functional strength in the weeks following my son's birth. Rémi spent much time in the studio and was present over the years for sessions. If you stand still long enough, he will come over and help readjust your posture and authoritatively give out cues to reinforce the correction. My darling son has grown into a young man. He is 17 and a half, towers over me, is a beautiful person inside and out, and about to embark on a new life path. I see all of the parallels between traits my son is bestowed with and what Pilates develops: inner strength emanating from the core, flexibility and plasticity, and most importantly, the quest for balance. Best of luck my son. I am always here for you, but I am confident in your abilities and I know that you will soar!
The Terreau is in the process of a full transformation. While the parking is closed, don't let that deter you from coming in to Manosque's centre ancien. My studio is open for business, you'll notice a cute little corner with flowers and signs of life.
The word transformation is fitting for what can happen to one's body after undertaking a regular practice of Pilates on the equipment. Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions 06 88 34 12 35. English at bottom
Comme vous l'avez sans doute aperçu, la Place du Terreau est en plein chantier. Le studio est encore accessible, mais preparez vous, parfois il y a de gros engins à passer. J'ai personnellement expérimenté un "gros chantier" hiver 2017-18. Ma chère mère est décèdée après une hospitalisation courte. Je sors maintenant de l'incrédulité et commence à remettre les choses en ordre. Premièrement le studio...Vu qu'il y a le chantier du Terreau et le chantier de mon esprit, j'ai vu l'opportunité de faire un chantier du studio. Alors pendant la période de création de la "Place" au lieu du "Parking" du Terreau, nous allons profiter du moment pour changer chez nous. Malgré mes efforts précédents, mon petit coin du Terreau n'est pas attirant. Ça va changer! As you have undoubtedly noticed, La Place du Terreau is under construction. It is still possible to get to the studio, but you might have to sidestep a giant machine! I have also been "under construction" personally this winter of 2017-18. Unfortunately I experienced the passing of my dear mother who left this earth after a very brief hospital stay. I have just now begun to exit the stage of disbelief and to put things back in order. Firstly, the studio. In light of the construction job on the Terreau and the job on my spirit, I saw the opportunity to do a job on the studio. So during the creation of the "Plaza" in lieu of the "Parking" of the Terreau, I will set about re-doing the studio. Despite my previous efforts, my little corner of the Terreau just wasn't very attractive. That's the first order of business. English at end
Des nouvelles à partager dans quelques semaines. Aussi à suivre: un relooking du site internet. Restez attentif... Accès Pilates est toujours l'endroit pour suivre les cours Pilates sur appareils- autour de vos besoins, votre planning, et vos désirs. Commensez quand vous voulez, il n'y a pas des frais d'inscriptions. Une fois que vous avez commencé, vous allez comprendre pourquoi ce système est appécié mondialement! There will be some news to share in a few weeks. Also to follow: a face-lift for the website. Stay tuned... Acces Pilates is still the spot to come to take Pilates classes on the machines-centered on your needs, your schedule, and your wishes. Start whenever you like, there are no initiation or yearly fees. Once you have started, you will understand why this exercise system is appreciated the world over! (English version at bottom of blog entry)
Nous sommes pleinement en été ici à Manosque, pas de doubte: les vacances, la plage, les enfants/petits enfants, peut-être un voyage. Les touristes arrivent en Provence, dans nos allentours, les champs de lavande sur le Plateau de Valensole, ainsi qu'au nord du Lubéron sont des déstinations toujours aussi populaire! C'est la période de rattrappage pour beaucoup d'entre nous, un peu de calme, pas de devoirs pour les enfants, les activités en pause, un moment pour reprendre le souffle. Mais, c'est aussi la période pour imaginer et commencer à prévoir ce que nous aimerions faire à la rentrée. Je passe un moment chaque jour à méditer sur mon bien-être et comment je pourrai le renforcer. Je commence dès maintenant à faire le nécessaire, mais je sais aussi que je vais débuter des activités seule et en famille à la rentrée. Pour vous, j'espère que vous avez incorporer déjà un travail corps-esprit comme on pratique dans le studio Accès Pilates. Sinon, pensez de ce que ça vous apporte: un corps équilibré, renforcement musculaire et souplesse developper ou augmenter, un travail de prise de conscience la partie mentale est critique à la méthode Pilates, et un travail ciblé à vos besoins spécifiques. Summer is upon us here in Manosque, no doubt about it: vacation, the beach, the kids/grand-kids, maybe a trip near or far. The tourists are arriving here in Provence, in our neighboring areas, the lavender fields of the Plateau of Valensole and north of the Lubéron mountain are just as popular a tourist destination as ever! It's also the period to catch up for many of us, a bit of calm, no more homework for the kids, activities on hold, a minute to catch one's breath. But it's also the period to dream and begin to plan what we would like to do at the rentrée. I spend some time each day meditating on my well-being and how I can strengthen it. I put what I can in place immediately, but I also know that I will begin activities alone and with my family in the fall that will further my plan. For you, I hope that you already incorporate a practice such as what we propose at the Accès PIlates Studio. If not,I hope that you will consider the benefits it provides: a body in harmony, muscle strengthening and the development or augmentation of flexibility, mindfulness-the mental component is a critical aspect of the PIlates method, and finally, a practice that is geared specifically to your needs. See you at the rentrée! Allons, c'est parti! La rentrée a bien debuté pour vous? Les routines ce sont mise en places? L'organisation est essentiel pour pouvoir jongler avec tous les résponsabilités, activités, tâches, etc demandez de vous... Et pour récompense, trouvez un moment pour vous où vous arretez de courir, vous soufflez, réspirez calmement et vous centrez sur vous-même. Oui, je suis partial au travail que vous faites au studio Accès Pilates, c'est vrai, mais peu import l'endroit, ce qui compte le plus c'est de prendre du temps pour ralentir et rentrer dans la pleine conscience.
Well, we're off! Did the Rentrée get off to a good start for you? Have your routines been put into place? Organization is key to be able to juggle all the responsibilities, activities, jobs, etc that are required of you... And for a reward, find a moment for you where you can stop running around, breathe calmly and where you can focus on yourself. Yes, I am biased toward the work you do in the Accès Pilates Studio, it is true, but no matter where, what matters most is to take the time to slow down and enter into mindfulness. Just as we see the winter quietly moving out and the tentative buds of spring emerge, I see change. I watch and marvel when I see the changes in a client's body after practicing Pilates for a few months. There are changes on different levels. One person is so well aligned now that she even exudes a confidence that can be felt around her as well as seen in her carriage. Another person came in, her body very stiff and almost seeming as if it had frozen from the cold. After a few weeks of regular practice, she has restored a sense of ease to her movements and her body's resilient tendencies have enabled her to find less pain in a joint.
Accès Pilates vous souhaite une très bonne année 2016...pleine de découvertes, moments de joie et gaïté.
Accés Pilates wishes you a very Happy New Year 2016, full of discoveries, moments of joy and levity. Profitez de l'élan des RÉSOLUTIONS pour vous lancez dans un travail de remise en forme corporelle et mentale. Accès Pilates vous prends en main pour vous aider a atteindre vos objectifs dans une mannière seine et compréhensif. Take advantage of the momentum of your New Year's RESOLUTIONS to undertake a fitness regimen which activates both body and mind.Accès Pilates will take you under its wing to help you attain your goals in a healthy and comprehensive fashion. It seems that winter is finally setting in here in Provence. Experience how great it feels to get the body toned and flexible in a nice warm studio. After your session, bundle up and take a little stroll through Manosque and take advantage of the sales! Well, that's it, we are nearing Christmas! Manosque is beautiful this time of year. There is the gigantic tree in front of the ancien hôpital that is usually decked out. Lights all over and a great ambiance. This year, I admit with all the road construction and detours, my eyes are fixed on the roadway, potholes, and rear bumpers, rather than the decorations. That is what is so awesome about having my Pilates studio in the Centre Ancien instead of elsewhere. Once parked, one is free to walk around and enjoy the displays, no stress! Since my studio is situated on the Parking du Terreau, I have a great view, there are cute little stars/snowflakes in the Platane trees of the parking. I love it!!!
Ça y est, on approche Noël! Manosque est vraiment belle pendant cette période.Il y a le sapin énorme devant l'ancien hôpital, qui est normalement tout décoré. Lumières de Noël partout et une bonne ambiance. Cette année, avec la construction et ammélioration des voies, j'avoue que mes yeux sont plutôt fixés sur la route, les nids de poules, et les pare-chocs arrière au lieu des décorations de la saison. C'est pour ça que j'adore l'emplacement du studio Pilates dans le centre ancien plutôt qu'ailleurs, Une fois garé, on est libre a se ballader et apprécier les vitrines des magasins sans stress! Et, puisque le studio, Accès Pilates se situ sur le parking du Terreau, j'ai une vue claire des platanes recouverts d'adorable flocons/étoiles lumineuses. J 'adore! Accès Pilates will be open the Thursday of Thanksgiving ;)
We don't celebrate this holiday in France, but I will celebrate it on Sunday with my family. My kids are growing quickly and I want to savor each moment and try to keep some traditions from the US. Since I am, and have been vegetarian for 28 years, my celebration remains meatless. That's ok. Growing up in New York, we had fresh vegetables from our local Long Island farmers. We would go to their stands out east and come back with tons of produce. Our meals then were more focused on the bounty of the harvest rather than the bird (turkey). So to omit the bird is no big deal! Here in Provence we have some of the same veggies and some others more particular to our region. In neighboring La Bastide des Jourdans, they have potatoes that you can use as free weights! At the farmstead heading towards Vinon sur Verdon, they have gorgeous onions and leeks. And from the organic farmer cooperative in Volx, I saw some shapely artichokes (the shape of artichokes from Provence tend to be conical rather than the globe shaped ones grown elsewhere.) Of course there is no problem getting pumpkins ( a different variety, drier and more firm than New York pumpkins) but you see them in all the fields from Grambois to Manosque. The only thing you do not see fresh in the farmer's markets is the all important, CRANBERRIES!!! Let us all reflect upon our lives and take the time to appreciate all that is good and the blessings we have. Happy Thanksgiving to friend, family and those whom I have not yet met. |
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